How to Prevent Distortion on the D6-58, D6-8 PRO and D6-8 MKII.

How to Prevent Distortion on the D6-58, D6-8 PRO and D6-8 MKII.

The D6-8 MKII, D6-58 and D6-8 PRO pre-amp circuits are designed for MIC/Line/Instrument inputs. Where the Instrument input has very high gain that is for passive pickup systems. If you are using active pickups, the Line inputs should be used to prevent clipping of the Pre-Amp inputs. Clipping the Pre-Amp will result in distorted sound as the Digital Mixer requires proper Gain structure. To prevent distorted output on the amplifier, the following step should be followed.

1) To start, use Line Input for Active Pickup systems.

Instrument inputs are designed for passive pickups that require high gain.

Pre-AMP input level can be check by changing “System” menu to “Input Levels”

Only use Instrument inputs if you input level is low with Line inputs.

2) Set input level to be about -12db on normal playing.

Input Level can be adjusted by the Gain Knob on the rear panel for each channel.

3) Set Main Mix input to be about 12 o’clock to start.

4) Adjust output level by turning the “Monitor” knob.

Output “Peak” RED LED indicates clipping for the Power Amplifier Section.

Refer to User Manual for details – available for download below,

D6-8 PRO user Manual.

D6-58 user Manual

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